I just want to be left alone….
Have you ever noticed your horse appears sad and just stands off away from the herd?
Well, these are just some of your key-note symptoms for a Nat Mur horse.
One of the main symptoms of the Nat Mur remedy is the appearance they are sad, withdrawn and rejected (or a fear of rejection). Picture the horse that’s standing in the paddock, on their own away from the herd, not wanting to interact. They’re not angry and irritable, they’re just sad and look withdrawn. This may be a sadness from losing a paddock buddy, experiencing another type of grief or maybe they’ve actually been rejected by the herd for whatever reason?
They’re not usually lovers of consolation and will probably be annoyed by this, however, that being said they also don’t like to be totally ignored either! Aaagh yes, its a balancing act with these young ladies or gents!
I’ll give you an example of a situation that I experienced first hand with my own mare, Lucy, recently. Completely out of the blue she had come down with the worse case of diarrhoea I had ever witnessed, literally gushing through. Lucky we had caught it early and got onto some acute Homoeopathic remedies quickly. After using a couple of different remedies that suited her mental, emotional & physical symptoms, I felt we were making progress…..but it was still far from right. Although the diarrhoea had improved dramatically, she was getting weaker by the minute. For a 31yr old horse, this was very difficult to watch. She had started eating and drinking again, but the weakness was still there. I was staying in touch with my vet at the same time, in case the situation deteriorated.
One thing I noticed at this point was that she just wanted to go and stand on her own, away from her paddock buddy. She didn’t appear angry if he or I approached, she just looked “sad” and “withdrawn”. To the point where she was even hiding her face behind the stable so the other horse couldn’t see her - she was hiding away…..just like Nat Mur. It was at this point that Nat Mur came to mind and I decided we needed to make a change of remedy.
Horses can smell the “right” remedy for them. I know, it sounds rediculous, but honestly I’ve seen it many a time and its correct. In this particular case, I let her smell the remedy first to see her reaction. She just about ate the syringe out of my hand - she couldn’t get the remedy quick enough! (I dissolve the homoeopathic pillule in water and then syringe into the side of the horse’s mouth). After giving her the Nat Mur, she licked her lips for a good few minutes afterwards, giving me the idea that it was correct. She had never licked her lips like that before after a remedy, it really was incredible to watch. Following the Nat Mur, her energy and life picked up within minutes, the manure started to return to normal and we were back on the road to recovery completely. The diarrhoea has never returned, her weight has increased and she is still going strong…..thanks to Homoeopathy again!
Physically, Nat Mur horses can often struggle to keep the weight on, so appear quite thin and undernourished, no matter how much you feed them. They’re really thirsty and will pass urine often. Their skin can appear greasy or they may suffer from hair loss with a dry, scaly coat at times also.
They very much dislike the hot weather; warm, stuffy stables or being by the sea. Being outside in the fresh air with gentle exercise makes them feel much better.
So…..does this sound like a horse you know?? Maybe Nat Mur might be your next go-to remedy.
If you’d like to learn more about using Homoeopathy with your horse, feel free to book in for a FREE 15min chat with me on the button below.