Definitely one of my all-time favourite remedies AND TAKE NOTE everyone, this is one remedy you need to have in your Home Remedy Kit.
Acute illnesses that come on suddenly, especially if the patient has been exposed to a cold, dry wind....ACONITE's a great place to start - ear aches, fevers, influenza, shock situations, nightmares, panic attacks….the list goes on.
Sudden onset is one of Aconite’s main symptoms, so is often indicated where there’s a sudden and intense illness with high fever.
Some more key-note symptoms to consider are:
Nightmares, phobias, panic attacks
Great fear, anxiety & restlessness
Fears the future, fear of death, of going to the dentist or doctor
High fever
Complaints from very hot weather
Tingling, coldness & numbness
Neauralgia, especially on the left side with restlessness
Face hot, red, flushed
Hot hands, cold feet
WORSE: From fright; shock; chilled by cold winds; at night
BETTER: Open air; rest; sitting still; warm sweat
So don’t forget to include Aconite in your Home Remedy kit and if you need help in the next Acute illness in your family, you can book in for a Consultation via the button below.