How often do I take a remedy?

This is something I get asked all the time by my patients and I know, it can be difficult to know when to repeat a dose of a remedy during an Acute (short-lasting) illness.

Its really important to understand at this point, that the remedy is only there to give the Immune system a “boost” in order to carry on the role its designed to do - heal the body. After all, the whole reason the illness has occurred is because the Immune system was unable to prevent it from progressing because the organism was out of balance - either mentally, emotionally or physically.

So….it’s not the remedy that is improving the symptoms, as such, the remedy is giving the Immune System the boost it needs to have the strength or energy to then bring the body back into balance again.

When deciding on how often to give a remedy, we need to take into account how “intense” the effect of the disease state is having on the patient. We call this - matching the “dosage” with the “intensity” of the disease state.

Let’s take a fever for example. The patient may be very hot to the touch, they feel hot inside, their cheeks & face are red, and they’re restless. You can see the situation or energy is “intense”. The illness is having a marked impact on the patient.*

In intense situations such as this, it’s important to repeat the remedy every 30-60mins (depending on potency) until you see some significant improvement in the patient. An improvement in their mental symptoms, in particular, can be a very positive sign that the remedy is correct and the patient is on the mend. The immune system has been given the boost it requires and may be able to bring about balance on its own, as its designed to do.

STOP giving the remedy once you’ve seen a significant change and WAIT. Repeat only when either the symptoms worsen again or if the symptoms return.

On the flip side, you may have a family member that has come down with the flu which the symptoms have been slowly coming on for days - just on/off. In this case, as the disease state is not as “intense”, the remedy is not required as often. Taking a dose every 2-3 hours, or as they feel they need it, would be sufficient. Again, once they feel some significant change, or you notice a big improvement in their mental/emotional state, then STOP giving the remedy and WAIT. Repeat again when they feel the symptoms are returning, or their energy is dropping.

I’ve put together a quick-reference guide which I hope you find useful next time you find yourself with an Acute illness in your house. Save it to your phone/laptop, it maybe just what you need!

*Please note, this information is to be used as a guide only and does not in anyway override medical advice. Please seek urgent medical attention if you are concerned about the patient’s well-being.

