
Ever been unwell and just wanted everyone to leave you alone, “don't talk to me, don't make any noise”'re super thirsty for large quantities of cold water at once and you've got the worst headache that even moving your eyes makes your head hurt???

Well, Bryonia may have been a remedy that could have alleviated some of your pain.

Bryonia is one of our more commonly used remedies for various acute & chronic conditions, provided some of the key-note symptoms (as mentioned in the pic below) are present in the patient.

Other symptoms that are common to Bryonia are:

  • Anxiety about the future

  • Talks of business; strong fear of poverty

  • Very difficult to please

  • Child dislikes to be carried or to be touched

  • Burning; sharp pains in abdomen - worse from pressure, coughing, breathing

  • Slipped disks in back with sharp pain

  • Sharp pains and stiffness in lumbar region

  • Menses suppressed with splitting headache

  • Dry, hacking cough - must hold the chest

  • Constipation with very hard, dry stool

  • Headache over left eye, extending to Occiput (back of head)

  • Dark, red face, white tongue

  • Better for lying on painful side

  • Worse coughing; deep breathing; becoming hot

For more information about Bryonia or Homoeopathy in general, feel free to book in for a FREE 15min chat with me.


How often do I take a remedy?


Is the flu visiting your house at the moment?