Acute or Chronic?
I know, it can be confusing!
As a Homoeopath, when we investigate a patient’s case, one of the first things we ascertain is whether the presenting condition is an ACUTE or a CHRONIC condition. You’re probably wondering why??
Well there’s a couple of reasons, but first lets talk about what is the difference between the two types of illnesses?
An Acute illness is short-lived, often comes on quickly, can be severe in symptoms and changes rapidly e.g. cold, cough, diarrhoea, fever. ACUTE conditions can often be helped with home-prescribing, however, if you find well chosen remedies are not helping, then its time to book in for an ACUTE CONSULTATION.
If you're experiencing an ACUTE condition, I’ll take the symptoms of your illness that you are experiencing, along with the accompanying mental, emotional & physical symptoms that are all present at the time.
In contrast, a Chronic Illness develops over a period of time. These are symptoms that the patient has been experiencing for over a month, or the Homoeopathic remedy hasn't been capable of keeping the symptoms away e.g. arthritis, diabetes, insomnia, migraines.
During Chronic Case Taking (also referred to as a Full Consultation), however, we will delve deeper into those Mental, Emotional & Physical symptoms - more-so than in acute case taking. We'll also investigate the patient's past medical and personal history in order to ascertain a true “complete” picture of the whole case which then helps us to find the best matched remedy.
This is where Homoeopathy stands alone from mainstream medicine - no matter how many conditions are present, this is irrelevant. Homoeopathy works through each of the layers that the body has produced, prescribing each remedy on the Presenting Symptoms that the body is currently showing. This makes it a truly “individual” prescription and NOT based on the condition that is present.
If you’d like to discuss how Homoeopathy may be able to help you and your family, why not book in for a FREE 15min Chat with me via the Button below.